Positive Company Culture

This could be YOU! Black ArrowHappy Person


Excellent customer service stems from one place—happiness. In fact a new study by Warwick University states that employees who are happy are 12% more productive than those who are not happy. We believe that The Payment Group has been able to provide exceptional customer service because we invest in the happiness of our employees.

Here are 5 ways any company can help create a more positive company culture.

  1. Look, smile, and say hello.

You pass people in the hallway all the time and on your way to your desk. Do you ever stop and say hello? You’ll find that a little acknowledgment can go a long way. When you smile, you’ll find that people usually smile back. Just think, you could be the reason someone smiled today. Doesn’t that feel good? 🙂

  1. Keep the door open.

Having an open door policy works because-let’s face it- no one wants to work for some mythical creature behind a curtain. Making yourself accessible to employees and showing them you’re willing to hear their concerns makes people feel appreciated. It doesn’t mean you have to drop everything you’re doing but it does let people know they’re not robots wearing a nametag.

  1. Eat Good food.

Food always seems to bring people together. Take time to eat lunch with your colleagues or employees. You can brown bag your lunch or go out to eat. You could even have potluck themed day. It works. I’ll bring the mashed potatoes!

  1. Tone down the dragon.

It’s common in a work place for people to make mistakes, and for people to disagree. Just remember when those times come to tone down the fire-breathing dragon. Yelling, cursing, and doubting can make for an unpleasant and hostile work environment. Let’s count to ten 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Don’t you feel calmer?

  1. Value ideas.

Employers are always looking to improve their business. However smart employers know that talent does not always have to come from the outside. Plus, when employees feel their ideas are valued, they are more willing to produce exceptional service and products.

So let’s meet for lunch to talk about how our services will help your city. Remember our door is always open.